La Junta Senior Golf League - Results for July 26, 2022

Description: The team of Bob Malden, Sharon Tashiro, and Rob Tryon watch Stan Lindsay tee off on hole 1 at the La Junta Senior Golf League.

La Junta Senior Golf League - Results for July 26, 2022

The La Junta Senior Golf League met on Tuesday, July 26.  There were forty participants divided into eight teams of five players. We played a modified scramble game, had a challenge putt on hole #6, and challenge chip on hole #2.  No one was able to get the challenge chip.  The challenge putt was made by: Mackie O’Neal, Douglas Golding, Sharon Tashiro, Larry Herrera, and Paul Roman.

Next week, Tuesday, August 2, we will play the dice game.  One team member of each team rolls the dice on every hole. The dice will determine which tee box the entire team tee’s off.  Each number of the dice is assigned a tee box color.  The extremely close and far tee boxes will only be used one time for the round for each team. Register to play starting at 8:15-8:30a.m. and play will begin at approximately 9:00a.m.  Golfers cannot register later than when teams are being made at approximately 8:45a.m.. Call 719-469-0691 if you are coming by 9:00a.m. but may be late to register.  Fee to play is $10, green fees must be paid also if you are not a member of the La Junta Golf Club.

Results for July 26, 2022

1st Place, Score of 29

Rob Tryon, Stan Lindsay, Bob Malden, Janet Golding, Sharon Tashiro


2nd Place-3 way tie, Score of 32

Rod Soden, Phillip Buford, Carl Anderson, Kathy Edwards, John Lockhart

Fred Boettcher, Mackie O’Neal, Jay Bollacker, Cathy Bollacker, Janet Crockett

Jim Thayer, Paul Roman, Lye Lough, Claudia Conley, Barbara Smart


5th Place-3way tie, Score of 33

Pat Engebrecht, Alan Root, Floyd Jackson, CaSandra Thomas, Mary Lou Day

Jim Baird, Douglas Golding, Mike Stokes, Janet Horber, Caroline Kibler

Marvin Kibler, Charlie Smart, Matt Perea, Connie Buchner, Larry Herrera


8th Place, Score 34

Loren Johnson, Frank McKenzie, Bob May, Sudi Stokes, Brad Swartz


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