Rocky Ford Fire Dept Reports Hwy 266 Fire 90% Contained Thanks to Mutual Assistance

Description: The Rocky Ford Fire Department Reported that the Hwy 266 Fire is 90% Contained with No Structure Damage, Continued Support from Local and State Fire Agencies... (This Article Includes Footage Provided by The Colorado Department of Fire Prevention and Control and Storm Cloud Photography)

Update on Hwy 266 Fire: 90% Contained with No Structure Damage, Continued Support from Local and State Fire Agencies

What an unfortunate busy week for Otero County first responders. We wanted to provide an update on the Hwy 266 Fire. 

The fire remains 90 percent contained with 94.8 acres burned, and no damage to structures.  We requested heavy equipment from local supporters to help us build a strong containment line around the fire. 

Below is a video taken yesterday from the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control Multi-Mission Aircraft also known as MMA.

Fire crews have done a great job cold trailing and mopping up hot spots to ensure containment.  As of today there continues to be no fire growth and we will be monitoring this fire continuously for the next couple of weeks. 

To all the fire agencies, especially CPW, DFPC, and DHSEM that have been helping La Junta Fire Department and Rocky Ford Fire Department this past week...Thank you.  We could not be successful without all of your collaboration and support.

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