La Junta Fire Dept Reports 4,000 Acres Burned in Two Brush Fires

Description: The La Junta Fire Department Released the Following Statement and Photos Regarding Two Brush Fires that Burned Approximately 4,000 Acres on March 18, 2025...

At approx 205pm we responded to Rd 31 approx 4 miles North of Cheraw for a reported brush fire. Upon arrival two separate fires were burning approx 3/4 miles apart heading East/Northeast pushed by very strong winds.

Mutual aid was called in immediately from neighboring departments. Cheraw Fire, Crowley County Fire, Rocky Ford Fire, Las Animas Fire and DFPC Eng 34 and BC 34  Crews began trying to attack the edges of the two fires.

The big challenge was the dirt and erratic winds reaching gusts of 50-60 mph. Additional assistance was requested from Eads Fire, Haswell Fire, Wiley Fire And water trucks and road graders from Otero County Road and Bridge and Bent County.

OCSO and CSP provided traffic control. Otero County Emergency Management and Crowley County Emergency Management provided assistance. A task force of four brush trucks was requested from departments of Pueblo County.

A few farmers provided tractors and discs to help cut fire breaks. Approx 4,000 acres burned between the two fires. All fire was contained in about 7 hours. Otero County government provided food for the firefighters. No injuries were reported. The fire possibly started by a vehicles hot breaks or dragging a chain. Thank you everyone who assisted.