Karen Bruckner Obituary

Description: Karen Bruckner Obituary... Our Heartfelt Condolences To Her Loved Ones...

Karen Bruckner

July 30, 1935 ~ May 13, 2024 (age 88)



A Celebration of Life for Karen Bruckner will be held at 2:00 p.m., Friday, July 12, 2024 at Valley Memorial Funeral Chapel in Lamar, Colorado with a reception to follow.

Karen was born July 30, 1935 to Hazel and John Bruckner in Lamar, Colorado.  She journeyed to the next world on May 13, 2024 at the age of 88.   

Karen found unsurpassed beauty in the natural world and in the loving relationships that blessed her whole life.

Valley Funeral and Cremation is in charge of arrangements.